[jdom-commits] Please Help me ASAP with JDOM to SAX

Smith, Jonathan jsmith4 at PaineWebber.com
Thu Jul 20 11:15:24 PDT 2000

Do to memory issues I have to write a program like this in SAX.

Can help out help me I have to get this done today and I dont know sax

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.jdom.*;
import org.jdom.input.*;
import org.jdom.output.*;

public class WarReader {

public static void main(String[] args) {

PrintStream out = System.out;

if (args.length != 1 && args.length != 2) {
out.println("Usage: WarReader [web.xml]");

try {
// Request document building without validation
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(false);
Document doc = builder.build(new File(args[0]));

// Get the root element
Element root = doc.getRootElement();

// Print servlet information
List servlets = root.getChildren("servlet");
out.println("This WAR has "+ servlets.size() +" registered servlets:");
Iterator i = servlets.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Element servlet = (Element) i.next();
out.print("\t" + servlet.getChild("servlet-name")
.getContent() +
" for " + servlet.getChild("servlet-class")
List initParams = servlet.getChildren("init-param");
out.println(" (it has " + initParams.size() + " init params)");

// Print security role information
List securityRoles = root.getChildren("security-role");
if (securityRoles.size() == 0) {
out.println("This WAR contains no roles");
else {
Element securityRole = (Element) securityRoles.get(0);
List roleNames = securityRole.getChildren("role-name");
out.println("This WAR contains " + roleNames.size() + " roles:");
i = roleNames.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Element e = (Element) i.next();
out.println("\t" + e.getContent());

// Print distributed information (notice this is out of order)
List distrib = root.getChildren("distributed");
if (distrib.size() == 0) {
out.println("This WAR is not distributed");
} else {
out.println("This WAR is distributed");

} catch (Exception e) {

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