[jdom-interest] Build error in jdom-contrib

Alex Chaffee guru at edamame.stinky.com
Fri Jul 14 01:52:41 PDT 2000

Had we but world enough and time...

Unfortunately, the solution is not obvious to me.  Win95 has a
crippled shell; this exec is asking the shell to perform two functions
on one invocation -- a cd and another command -- and I simply don't
know how to do that.  Well, I could write a BAT file containing both,
and invoke that, but then *where* do I put the BAT file, and...

Perhaps a workaround is for Antlr.java (which extends Java.java, which
invokes Exec.java) to not setFork("true"), since then there'd be no
reason to call the offending code.  Bob, is that possible?

In any case, I won't have time to fix this before I leave for
Singapore this weekend.  I'll forward this thread to
ant-dev at jakarta.apache.org and hopefully someone there can pick up the

On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 10:40:00PM -0700, Jason Hunter wrote:
> The issue is that the Ant Exec.java task uses the "cmd" syntax as a way
> of handling change of directory duties:
>         if (myos.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") >= 0) {
>             if (!dir.equals(project.resolveFile(".")))
>                 command = "cmd /c cd " + dir + " && " + command;
> This codepath has probably never before been exercised on Win98 because
> it seems to occur only when a "cd" is necessary.  The original developer
> probably used NT to test, and I did likewise for the jdom-contrib area.
> Alex, the best thing for you to do is figure out how to fix Exec.java on
> your Win98 system, contribute that to Ant, then we'll adopt the version
> of Ant with the fix.
> -jh-
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Alex Chaffee                       mailto:alex at jguru.com
jGuru - Java News and FAQs         http://www.jguru.com/alex/
Creator of Gamelan                 http://www.gamelan.com/
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Curator of Stinky Art Collective   http://www.stinky.com/

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