[jdom-interest] JavaDoc update

Brett McLaughlin brett.mclaughlin at lutris.com
Wed Oct 11 07:37:14 PDT 2000

Hey all-

  I updated the online JavaDoc today to match the beta 5 release. This
should help out a ton with some problems we have been having with
versioning issues. So use the online javadoc, or build your own with:

build javadoc

and that should help. And for the record, everyone who has asked for a
release notes is COMPLETELY in the right; it's my fault. I just haven't
had time, and will probably just not have any for beta 5. Starting with
beta 6 or 1.0, whichever comes next, I'll do a better job. It's just
that I'm juggling a book, a full-time job, and a move right now; thanks
for putting up with me ;-)

So check the new docs out - they really help!


Brett McLaughlin, Enhydra Strategist
Lutris Technologies, Inc. 
1200 Pacific Avenue, Suite 300 
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA 

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