[jdom-interest] 2 errors (?)

Stefan ALBOI sbll at ss.pub.ro
Sat Apr 7 13:56:58 PDT 2001

I encountered 2 errors which I would like to report:

Doc: XML document with 2 or more levels of general entities
Parser: Xerces 1.3.1 (& 1.2.3)
Method: build JDOM document using SAX

Error: org.jdom.JDOMException: Error in building: org.jdom.Entity

Note: DOM parse, DOM getDocument, SAX parse, JDOM build using DOM are OK!

Doc: XML document starting with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Parser: Oracle v2 2.1.0 beta (& 2.0.2)
Method: build JDOM document using DOM

Error: org.jdom.IllegalTargetException: The target "xml" is not legal for
JDOM/XML Processing Instructions: Processing instructions cannot have a
target of "xml" in any combination of case.

Note: DOM parse, DOM getDocument, SAX parse, JDOM build using SAX are OK!

I will attach a file with the XML document and more details on the errors.
The file can also be downloaded: http:\\web.cs.pub.ro\~sbll\jdom_err.zip

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