[jdom-interest] [Fwd: Binders]

Hugh Mc Gauran hugh.mcgauran at skynet.ie
Mon Apr 9 11:14:45 PDT 2001

i was wondering if there was anything like this in the jdom...or even
plans to implement something like it....

You might have multiple documents that you often want to operate on as though they were a single larger document. In this case, you can use eXcelon Explorer to create a document that points to multiple target documents. The document eXcelon Explorer creates is called a binder document. A binder document is a document created by eXcelon Explorer that contains a collection of links to other documents. A binder document does not contain other kinds of data. 

eXcelon treats a binder document as if it has a root element with the name MultiDoc_Container. The children of this root element are the root elements of the binder document's target documents. In a servlet or server extension, using the DOM, you can navigate from the root element in a binder document directly to the root element in a target document


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MultiDoc_Container xmlns:xlnlink="http://www.ObjectDesign.com/eXcelon/namespaces/link">
<REF xlnlink:href="Course1.xml#/"/>
<REF xlnlink:href="Course3.xml#/"/>
<REF xlnlink:href="Course5.xml#/"/>
<REF xlnlink:href="Course6.xml#/"/>
<REF xlnlink:href="Course8.xml#/"/>
<REF xlnlink:href="Fontcolor.xml#/"/>
<REF xlnlink:href="users.xml#/"/>

THere ya go.....handy enough little trick to be honest.

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