[jdom-interest] Problem with JDOM / Resin / JDK1.3

Thierry Gagnaire thga at yahoo.fr
Tue Apr 17 07:05:37 PDT 2001


I'm currently trying to migrate servlets and JSP (with
taglib/bean) from solaris7/JDK1.2.2/tomcat3.1&3.2 to
Linux3/JDK1.3/Resin1.2 .
I use very much XML, and often JDOM (jdom-b5).

All works fine in the first environment (tomcat).
In the second environment, all work fine EXCEPT all my
JDOM call to
new SAXBuilder().build(myFile).getRootElement();
where 'myFile' is an instance of File.
I get an exception, only when I try this throw servlet
or bean : When I call the same (except the call)
programs at prompt OS (by command: java ...), all
works fine again !!!

First, I've though of a problem with Resin Config for
calling JAR files. But I use other JAR files (stored
in the same directory) and they work.

I've try jdom-b6, and I get the same Exception:
org.jdom.JDOMException: SAX2 driver class
org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not found: SAX2
driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not

Is there any known bug with JDOM about this or JDK1.3
and servlet engine(s) ?

Could somebody help me ?



Thierry Gagnaire.
thg at club-internet.fr  (ou thga at yahoo.fr)

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