[jdom-interest] Problem with JDOM / Resin / JDK1.3

philip.nelson at omniresources.com philip.nelson at omniresources.com
Tue Apr 17 07:24:26 PDT 2001

> I've try jdom-b6, and I get the same Exception:
> org.jdom.JDOMException: SAX2 driver class
> org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not found: SAX2
> driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not
> found
> at
> org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder.build(SAXBuilder.java:320)

I don't think JDK 1.3 has anything to do with it.  Resin comes with a jsp
call Env.jsp and a similar servlet.  One of those will show you the actual
classpath resin is using.  Run it and make sure that 

1- Xerces is in your classpath
2- There isn't multiple Xerces in your classpath.  

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