[jdom-interest] Problem with JDOM / Resin / JDK1.3

Thierry Gagnaire thga at yahoo.fr
Tue Apr 17 13:17:57 PDT 2001

Thanks again, Philip, for your answer,

But I don't have the rigths to create file in
[ So, I can't put xerces.jar here, but it is at the
beginnig of my classpath, and in my WEB-INF/lib
directory ]

And I've just tried :

[With, in my classpath, xerces.jar which contains

And I still have the same exception:
org.jdom.JDOMException: SAX2 driver class
org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not found: SAX2
driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not

Is there anybody have an idea to force Resin to use
Xerces instead of its default parser when I call
SAXBuilder ?


--- philip.nelson at omniresources.com a écrit : > >
Thanks, Philip, for your answer
> > 
> > I think it's nearly that.
> > But rather this : Resin use a default parser which
> > have a problem here.
> > 
> Yes resin uses projectX and has it's own internal
> xml setup.  It's easy to
> work around though.
> > I have Xerces in my classpath.
> Put Xerces in the resin/lib directory.  Then make
> sure you specify which
> parser to use rather than relying on JAXP (which
> would use ProjectX by
> default) in the SaxBuilder constructor.
> new SAXBuilder("org.whatever....", validate);
> > 
> > I've not found Env.jsp (server configuration is
> not in
> > my hands), 
> It's part of the default install of resin.  Do a
> find or Tools/find files
> and folders to locate it.

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