[jdom-interest] Code request

Scott Smith ssmith at summitlogic.com
Mon Apr 23 12:48:53 PDT 2001

Now I remember reading your original post.  At the time I read your post, I
did not have a direct need.  Now I do.  If you would be so kind as to email
me your code, I will email back any changes I make.  I understand (from your
original message) I will have to copy your code into the jdom source tree
and rebuild jdom.  Is that right?
Thanks very much,

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Simantel [mailto:Adam.Simantel at merant.com]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 2:59 PM
To: Scott Smith; jdom-interest at jdom.org
Subject: RE: [jdom-interest] Code request

Yes, I have something that works.  It returns a JDOM Element to your
callback for any element names that you register.  If the elements you
register make up the bulk of your XML document (i.e. large numbers of
repeated elements of managable size) it should be applicable.

I am trying to find time to clean up the implementation and generalize it a

Some code snips to explain how to do this are explained in this post: 


I can post more or go off this board and into details if this is not clear. 


Adam Simantel 
Adam.Simantel at merant.com 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Scott Smith [ mailto:ssmith at summitlogic.com
<mailto:ssmith at summitlogic.com> ] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 12:40 PM 
To: jdom-interest at jdom.org 
Subject: [jdom-interest] Code request 

Does anyone have code that can parse an XML file and return a JDOM Element 
(or Document) for each element under the root element via a callback.  I 
need this for processing large XML files without consuming lots of memory. 
I know there have been conversations regarding using an XMLFilter to do 
this, but I was hoping someone else has already done this and would be kind 
enough to share there code. 


Scott P. Smith 
790 Oak Trail Drive 
Marietta, GA 30062 

email:  ssmith at summitlogic.com 
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