[jdom-interest] Replace elements in a document

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan at mac.com
Mon Aug 20 12:07:33 PDT 2001

Try a recursive approach:

// replaces all <a> elements with <link> elements below the Element 
passed in
void replaceAsWithLinks(Element e) {
	//replace this element if needed
	if (e.getName().equals("a")) {
	//now check its children
	List l = e.getChildren();
	for (int i=0; i<l.getSize(); i++) {
		if (l.get(i) instanceof Element) {
			replaceAsWithLinks( (Element) l.get(i));

This should work even if you have nested <a> tags. I didn't have a 
chance to compile and
test it, however, so let me know if it doesn't work.


On Monday, August 20, 2001, at 11:05 AM, Sebastian Schirmer wrote:

> Hello!
> I have the following problem:
> I have a XML Document that looks like this:
> --- snip ---
> <element schematype="text">
> 	Der folgende Textblock hat eine größere Menge Fließtext.
> 	<p>
> 	Aber nicht nur in Bezug auf Design eröffnet <a
> href="http//www.google.com">&lt;sitewaerts&gt;</a> neue
>       Möglichkeiten. War es bisher noch ausreichend, überhaupt im Web
> präsent
>       zu sein, so nimmt die Bedeutung einer lokalisierten Ansprache 
> Ihrer
>       Kunden eine immer wichtigere Bedeutung ein. Nur über eine
> Onlinepräsenz
>       in der Sprache Ihrer Kunden zeigen Sie ein echtes Commitment zu 
> neuen
>       Märkten.</p>
> </element>
> --- snip ---
> Now I want to replace the <a> elements with <link> elements using JDom. 
> Till
> now I tried it this way:
> I used a stack as a buffer for all elements and initialized it with the
> <element> element of the above document.
> Then I tested each element from the stack if it was a <a> element and
> replaced it if yes. Otherwise I added the children of that element to 
> the
> stack using getContent() and so on:
> --- snip ---
> stack.add(elElement);
> while (!stack.isEmpty())
> {
>   Element elFromStack = (Element)stack.pop();
>   if (elFromStack.getName().equals("a"))
>   {
>     elFromStack.setName("link");
>   }
>   else
>   {
>     stack.addAll(elFromStack.getContent());
>   }
> }
> --- snip ---
> Only if an <a> element comes directly within the <element> element,
> everything is executed correctly:
>   <element>
>     <a>link text goes here</a>
>   </element>
> The problem is if getContent supplies text first. Then nothing is 
> inserted
> in the <element> element:
>   <element>
>     some text goes here <a>link text goes here</a>
>   </element>
> I also tried to use getChildren() instead of getContent() but the 
> problem
> stays.
> Has Anybody an idea how to solve this without using XSLT?
> Sebastian Schirmer
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> sitewaerts GmbH
> Hebelstraße 15
> D-76133 Karlsruhe
> Tel: +49 (721) 920 918 0
> Fax: +49 (721) 920 918 29
> http://www.sitewaerts.de
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