[jdom-interest] JDOM and Visual Age

Peter Donn PDonn at orygen.com
Fri Aug 24 08:19:57 PDT 2001

Hi everyone

I'm trying to use JDOM in the Visual Age environment.  As per info on
JDOM site I've:
- deleted the org.* packages from the IBM XML Parser for Java then
versioned it.
- Created a new project - "Crimson", imported the crimson.jar,
versioned it
- Created a new project - "JDOM", imported the jdom.jar, versioned it
- Created a new project - "Xalan", imported the jdom.jar, versioned
- Created a new project for my code and set Visual Age to autocompute
the classpath (right click on code file, select Properties and pressed
compute button).

I've run some code that does various operations, including create a
JDOM Document, manipulate it, write to a file, do a transformation
using a XSL file.
This all works, now here is my problem.

When I run a very basic JSP using the Websphere Test Environment
servlet engine, and have a statement like:
<%! int i; %>
in it, then when I run it for the second time it crashes Visual Age -
it goes into a high-cpu loop which it stays in.

Have I messed up Visual Age in some way by removing the org.* files?
Have I imported the right jar files?

Some help will be greatly appreciated!

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