[jdom-interest] possible bug with nested namespaces -resolved but not fixed
Brett McLaughlin
brett at newinstance.com
Wed Aug 29 19:27:12 PDT 2001
> OK here is the problem but I am out of time and don't have an immediate
> solution.
> public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
> String qName) throws SAXException {
> if (suppress) return;
> Element element = (Element)stack.pop();
> if (stack.empty()) {
> atRoot = true;
> }
> // Remove the namespaces that this element makes available
> List addl = element.getAdditionalNamespaces();
> if (addl.size() > 0) {
> availableNamespaces.removeAll(addl);
> }
> }
One possible solution would be this:
Change availableNamespaces from a List to a Hashtable/HashMap. Make the key
the namespace (what's currently in the List), and the value a numeric value.
When adding a namespace to the list, see if it exists; if not, add it and a
value of "1". If it's there, increment it's value. Then it's easy to remove
a namespace. If it exists, decrement the value by 1; if the value is 0,
remove it (or just don't count it), if not leave it.
This covers walking the stack, additional declarations, and is a nicer
solution, IMHO. Anyone want to take a stab?
Brett McLaughlin
Enhydra Strategist http://www.enhydra.org
Lutris Technologies http://www.lutris.com
O'Reilly Author http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javaxml2
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