[jdom-interest] JDOM and VisualAge for Java

GB/DEV - Philip Nelson philip.nelson at omniresources.com
Tue Feb 27 07:20:25 PST 2001

> As soon as I try to run the demo project I get a 
> NoClassDefFound error in
> trying to create a new SAXBuilder object to parse the 
> provided file. It
> seems like the ClassLoader isn't able to get the 
> org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder
> class but it is definitely in my workspace.

right click your demo class and select properties.  Then hit the classpath
tab.  Then click the button to compute your class path.  It should find all
of the projects that have your dom, jdom and xerces classes.  If not, just
add them to your classpath in that screen.

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