[jdom-interest] NoSuchMethodError while running samples

Nick Fankhauser nickf at ontko.com
Tue Feb 27 10:55:09 PST 2001

Thanks for the response Jason-

I don't think that is the problem, but I'm new to Java, so maybe I'm missing
something obvious-

Here is where I looked:

nickf at lorien:~/XML$ ls $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext
nickf at lorien:~/XML$

I don't know what indicim.jar is, but i did a jar -tf on it & it doesn't
seem to contain anything referring to XML.

Are there any other places I could be picking up an old JDOM jar?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Hunter [mailto:jhunter at collab.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:30 PM
> To: Nick Fankhauser
> Cc: jdom-interest at jdom.org
> Subject: Re: [jdom-interest] NoSuchMethodError while running samples
> > javac -classpath
> >
> .:/home/nickf/XML/jdom-b6/build/jdom.jar:/home/nickf/XML/jdom-b6/l
> > jar:/usr/share/java/postgresql.jar:  Exporter.java
> >
> > I made sure there wasn't anything referencing XML in the system
> extensions
> > for my JRE, & since I'm supplying an explicit classpath, I shouldn't be
> > picking up anything from a system classpath.
> My guess is you're probably having a conflict with an old JDOM JAR in
> the standard extensions directory, as explained in the FAQ.  Supplying
> an explicit classpath doesn't remove that dir from consideration.
> -jh-

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