[jdom-interest] Processing Instruction

Alessandro Marcellini amarcell at tiscalinet.it
Fri Jan 12 08:40:23 PST 2001

I'm using jdom-b5 to write down a file (using jdk1.1.8 on Winnt).
I've encuntered some problem with the XMLOutputter:
1) The processing instruction that I add to my document is written at
the end of the file. But I want it to be at the begin.
I've used this code to generate my PI:
      map.put("href", getStylesheetName(flog.getPath()));
      map.put("type", "text/xsl");
      doc.addContent(new ProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", map));
Where doc is my document. What is wrong in my code?
2) My program reads the file that writes, but each time that writes the
file add newlines to the content previously read.
What I've to do?
Thank's in advance

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