[jdom-interest] build() method os SAXEventHandler giving exception!!!

Gunturu, Eshwar S Eshwar.Gunturu at qwest.com
Tue Jan 30 13:57:17 PST 2001


    I am trying to build and parse a JDOM object from an using JDOM beta 4
psrser .When trying to call the <build()> method of SAXBuilder class in
<org.jdom.input> package in runtime, I am getting an exception as below:-

org.jdom.JDOMException: Element type "Order" must be declared.: Error on
line 3 of document file:/<PATHOF THE XML DOCUMENT
                                   > : Element type "Order" must be

	Where <Order> is the root element in my XML document.

            Plz help ........Thanx in advance !

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