[jdom-interest] Problem with XMLOutputter beta

stephan.segschneider at snellwilcox.com stephan.segschneider at snellwilcox.com
Thu Jul 5 08:48:36 PDT 2001

Much Thanks Alex

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Subject:    RE: [jdom-interest] Problem with XMLOutputter beta
Author: "Alex Rosen" <arosen at silverstream.com>
Date:       05/07/01 16:12

I reiterate my opinion that the current behavior of XMLOutputter is a problem.
The number of cases where it's bad to mess with the user's character data (by
normalizing its whitespace) is greater than the number of cases where it's OK.
What's more, in the cases where it is bad, it's really bad (you lose users'
data), and it may bite you unexpectedly... It's probably rare to have character
data that normalization might mess up, so you may not discover the problem
through normal testing. Then, when the user enters something unexpected, you've
lost their data. I really think we need to use (or at least make available) an
alternate algorithm that doesn't have this problem.

Alex Rosen
SilverStream Software

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