[jdom-interest] escape characters

Baum, Karl karl.baum at tallan.com
Fri Jul 27 08:53:21 PDT 2001

The problem I was having was that I was using jdom to output xml and then
xslt to transform to many different formats.  So my xml documents where
containing strings such as &#162 for a cent sign.  However, I realized
that if I include the attribute disable-output-escaping="yes" to my
xsl:value-of element.  This tells xslt to transform '&#162 ' to '&#162',
the same function jdom performs when reading in the xml file.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tasso Angelidis" <TassoA at trustmarque.ca>
To: <jdom-interest at jdom.org>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:08 AM
Subject: [jdom-interest] escape characters

> I have a similar posting to this...
> If I undertood right what Brett said...
> Is the data with your DB encoded? Meaning do you store your cent sign as
> &#162?
> If you do then the only reserved caharcter here is the & witch in turn
> be encoded as &amp;#162
> If you store the cent sign as a it is in the DB then retrieve it and have
> JDOM encode it it will be ok.
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