[jdom-interest] Problem with XSL Trasnformation - Possible bug

Miguel Angel Medina Lopez mamedina at logic-factory.com
Sun Jul 8 01:33:16 PDT 2001


Thank you very much.

The solution I take was declare the entities in a external file and it works
fine. Now I try swicth the XML parser from crimson to Xerces and I can
declare the entities in the same file.

Miguel Ángel Medina López
Logic Factory: www.logic-factory.com
Granada - España

----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurent Bihanic" <laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com>
To: <mamedina at logic-factory.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [jdom-interest] Problem with XSL Trasnformation - Possible bug

> Hi,
> Sorry for the late response. Maybe you've already found a solution.
> The "%" character issue is a Crimson issue that won't be solved until JDK
> It only occurs if you declare entities in DOCTYPE.
> For the time being, you have no other choice but to switch to Xerces.
> Hope this helps,
> Laurent

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