[jdom-interest] Problem with getChildText()

Tim Sawyer Tim.Sawyer at pancredit.com
Tue Jun 12 07:02:23 PDT 2001


I've just started using JDOM (beta 6) and it a huge improvement on the DOM
stuff I was trying to use before.  It's much more sensible now.  Well done
everyone. :-)

Anyway, on to my problem.  I have the following XML: 

<m:loginapplicationresponse xmlns:m="http://www.pancredit.com/methods"

It's the results of a login transaction, and I'm passing into my method the
Element that represents <loginapplicationresponse>.  This appears fine.  I
can then use getChildren(), iterate the list and print out the values.

However, if I try and use getChildText() to get the token and username text
from the message, it doesn't work.  Is there a known issue, or am I being
dense somewhere?

Here's the code:

        this.getLogger().logLineWithTime("Populate Login, element passed is
" + pMethod.toString());
        List lElements = pMethod.getChildren();
        ListIterator lElementsIterator = lElements.listIterator();
        while (lElementsIterator.hasNext())
          Element lElement = (Element)lElementsIterator.next();
        this.getLogger().logLineWithTime("Username is " +
        this.getLogger().logLineWithTime("Session token is " +

and here's the trace it produces:

12 June 2001 11:14:32 ->LoginSessionPanBean::populateLogin()
12 June 2001 11:14:32 Populate Login, element passed is [Element:
<m:loginapplicationresponse [Namespace: http://www.pancredit.com/methods]/>]
12 June 2001 11:14:32 [Element: <securitytoken [Namespace:
12 June 2001 11:14:32 securitytoken
12 June 2001 11:14:32 B58161BC80450563917176D737829A398ABA7004
12 June 2001 11:14:32 [Element: <username [Namespace:
12 June 2001 11:14:32 username
12 June 2001 11:14:32 tim
12 June 2001 11:14:32 username
12 June 2001 11:14:32 securitytoken
12 June 2001 11:14:32 Username is null
12 June 2001 11:14:32 Session token is null
12 June 2001 11:14:32 <-LoginSessionPanBean::populateLogin()

Is there a known bug with getChildText() ?  Am I missing something? I can
code around it, but it makes my code uglier.


Tim Sawyer
Development Consultant
Leeds, UK.

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