[jdom-interest] hyperlinks to referenced classes in JDOM javadocs

Taylor, Patrick ptaylor at rational.com
Thu Jun 14 15:43:21 PDT 2001

The following patch to build.xml causes all javadoc references to external
classes to be generated as hyperlinks to the J2SE1.4 javadocs for those
classes.  This is done simply by using the -link option to the javadoc tool.
See the following page for details:


Using the 1.4 doc (rather than an earlier version of the J2SE) allows all
to be resolved, as the DOM/SAX/etc packages are now included in the J2SE.

*** build.xml	2001/05/15 23:22:48	1.19
--- build.xml	2001/06/14 20:47:56
*************** For instructions on how to build JDOM, p
*** 198,203 ****
--- 198,204 ----
               windowtitle="${Name} API"
+              link="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/api"
               bottom="Copyright © ${year} Brett McLaughlin, Jason
Hunter. All Rights Reserved."

The following patches resolve several warnings about @link tags which
reference TransformerFactory.  See the following page for details:


*** src/java/org/jdom/transform/JDOMResult.java	2001/06/10 22:01:05	1.2
--- src/java/org/jdom/transform/JDOMResult.java	2001/06/14 20:47:57
*************** import org.jdom.input.*;
*** 68,73 ****
--- 68,74 ----
  import org.jdom.output.*;
  import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;
+ import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; // workaround for @link bug
   * Acts as a holder for a transformation result tree, in the form

*** src/java/org/jdom/transform/JDOMSource.java	2001/06/10 22:01:05	1.2
--- src/java/org/jdom/transform/JDOMSource.java	2001/06/14 20:48:00
*************** import org.jdom.*;
*** 66,71 ****
--- 66,72 ----
  import org.jdom.output.*;
  import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
+ import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; // workaround for @link bug
   * Acts as an holder for JDOM document sources.

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