[jdom-interest] JDOMSource and JDOMResult can produce nothing!

Bruno Antunes bantunes at whateversoft.com
Fri Jun 22 06:59:46 PDT 2001

Hi. In fact I have missed the fact that I was transforming a JDOM Document, on another
JDOM Document, so this new transformed JDOM Document must be a valid XML document. (why
JDOM does not generate and Exception when a non valid XML transformation is performed?)

So my point now, is what is the most elegant way to transform a a JDOM Document in a
non XML file, using XSLT.

The following code works:

 * Generates the XSLT transformation for a document
 * @param doc the source JDOM Document
 * @param xslName the name of the xsl to applie
 * @param writer where the transformation will be generated
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws JDOMException
public void transform(Document doc, String xslName, Writer writer)
        throws IOException, JDOMException {
    try {
        Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
                .newTransformer(new StreamSource(getXSLStream(xslName)));
        XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter();
        /** @todo find a clever way to not generate so many strings */
        StringWriter xmlDoc = new StringWriter();
        out.output(doc, xmlDoc);
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlDoc.toString());
        transformer.transform(new StreamSource(reader), new StreamResult(writer));
    } catch (TransformerException e) {
       throw new JDOMException("XSLT Transformation failed", e);

Laurent Bihanic wrote:

> You stylesheet generates ill-formed XML: The output misses a document root
> element as signaled by the java.util.EmptyStackException thrown by SAXHandler.
> Thus, JDOMResult is unable to build a JDOM document from the XLST processor
> output.
> Once I changed the first template to:
>    <xsl:template match="/">
> <root>
>     <xsl:apply-templates/>
> </root>
>    </xsl:template>
> your example runs fine.
> Please note that XMLOutputter can not output HTML, only XML, and that the
> <xsl:output ... /> tag only applies when the XSLT processor performs itself
> the output to a StreamResult.

Bruno Antunes,
Java Software Engineer

email: mailto:bruno.antunes at whateversoft.com
Phone: +351.21.7994200
Fax  : +351.21.7994242

WhatEverSoft - Java Center
Centro de Competencia Java
Praca de Alvalade, 6 - Piso 4
1700-036 Lisboa - Portugal
URL: http://www.whatevernet.com

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