[jdom-interest] Parsing XML with end of stream marker

Paul Philion philion at acmerocket.com
Mon Jun 25 11:12:01 PDT 2001

Tim -

It might make sense to use an FilterInputStream to replace the EOS with a
space (or nothing). I wrote a little FilterInputStream that will replace
unprintable chars in the input stream with spaces. Makes JDOM happy, without
the overhead to converting the whole file to a string.

- Paul Philion

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Sawyer" <Tim.Sawyer at pancredit.com>
To: <jdom-interest at jdom.org>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: [jdom-interest] Parsing XML with end of stream marker

> Cheers, peeps.  I've solved it by converting to a string and cutting the
> last few chars off.  I was hoping to avoid creating too many new strings
> keep the speed up, but you can't have everything!
> I did get a bit confused when build() interpreted my string as a URI
> though... ;-)
> Thanks,
> Tim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Baer [mailto:jonbaer at digitalanywhere.com]
> Sent: 25 June 2001 13:21
> To: jdom-interest at jdom.org
> Subject: Re: [jdom-interest] Parsing XML with end of stream marker
> Yeah ur gonna have to trim that bad boy off, Id say extend the Reader and
> create your
> own and either test for </soap-env:envelope> or substring it till
> indexOf("<EOS>");
> or something.
> The builder lets you take a String now so you might wanna filter the
> first
> before you pass it to the builder.
> - Jon
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