[jdom-interest] Problem running with Resin

Marcel Huijkman marcel at glasshouse.nl
Tue Mar 13 08:26:25 PST 2001

The only way I could get them in my classpath environment is by
using the following settings in my resinn.conf:

<classpath id='D:/jdkdiv/jdom/build/jdom.jar' compile='false'/>
<classpath id='D:/jdkdiv/jdom/lib/xerces.jar' compile='false'/>

remarkable is that in your case the jdom.jar is before the sax.jar
and in my case it's behind that, in fact : they where the last two!.

How case I change the classpath environment that resin is working with?
(And does it have effect on Resin's behaviour?)

At 17:03 13-3-01, you wrote:
>>Sorry, I thought the Env.jsp had the same info as the Env servlet.  The servlet also spits out application info and the key caucho.class.path tells you what the server is actually using.  The Env.java I use is actually modified a bit to show some more of the caucho statistics.  Here is my class path which includes both the system and /lib classes because I have to compile on this machine.
>> I now have put the xerces.jar in my resin/lib directory.
>>I still see the same error mesasage.
>>The "Env.jsp" provided with the Resin distribution shows
>>(i think no classpath or whatsoever):
>>Requested URL:
>>Request Information:
>>Request method GET 
>>Request URI /examples/basic/env.jsp 
>>Request protocol HTTP/1.1 
>>Servlet path /env.jsp 
>>Path info null 
>>Path translated null 
>>Query string foo=bar+baz&test=test1 
>>Content length -1 
>>Content type null 
>>Server name localhost 
>>Server port 80 
>>Remote user null 
>>Remote address 
>>Remote host localhost 
>>Authorization scheme null 
>>Request Headers:
>>Accept image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, */* 
>>Referer http://localhost/examples/index.xtp 
>>Accept-Language nl 
>>Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate 
>>User-Agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; TUCOWS Network) 
>>Host localhost 
>>Connection Keep-Alive 
>>Cookie JSESSIONID=aaaKRVHXzwbrIFhjvNvmuOHR6qt7c 
>>Form Values:
>>test test1 
>>foo bar baz 
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>>| Glasshouse Business Network  | Marcel Huijkman               |
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>| Glasshouse Business Network  | Marcel Huijkman               |
>| Lakenblekerstraat 49         | Development Manager           |
>| 1431 GD Aalsmeer             | Mobiel Tel: 0620-367885       |
>| PoBox: 74                    | E-mail werk:                  |
>| 1430 AB Aalsmeer             | marcel.huijkman at glasshouse.nl |
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>| Tel: 0297-388388             | marcel at sms.glasshouse.nl      |
>| Fax: 0297-388389             | E-mail prive:                 |
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