[jdom-interest] Errors trying to create Document from SAXBuilder with jdom b6

Ian Lea ian.lea at blackwell.co.uk
Fri Mar 16 01:22:23 PST 2001

It's in the FAQ at http://www.jdom.org/docs/faq.html.

ian.lea at blackwell.co.uk

"Aaron M. Oathout" wrote:
> Hopefully someone can help me with this. I'm fairly new to Java, and this is my
> first crack at using jdom.
> I've been going through this "java and xml" book from oreilly and when i try to
> run the example program they have
> I keep getting the following error when it tries to create a document using the
> SAXBuilder class. Can anyone shed any light
> on what could possibly be wrong here?
> Here's the error I'm getting:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
>         at org.jdom.input.SAXHandler.startElement(SAXBuilder.java:727)
>         at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.startElement(SAXParser.java:1289)
> ...

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