[jdom-interest] [Newbie] - Problem using Entity

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit jakobbg at reaktor.no
Wed May 9 04:18:07 PDT 2001

RE: [jdom-interest] [Newbie] - Problem using EntityFrom:
philip.nelson at omniresources.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 2:07 AM

>I cant' say that I'm exactly sure what you are trying to output but I can
>tell that I have rewriting the entity api to base it on entities defined in
>the dtd.  I have been a little bit waylaid with *real work* though.  What
>did you want it to look like?

>> <Folder id="0">
>>  <Folder id="185">
>> &Name;  <Folder id="195">
>> &Name;   <Item price="0.0">
>>     <Description />
>>     <UserDefined>
>> &Comment;&Title;&Bitrate;&Year;    </UserDefined>
>>    </Item>
>>    <Item price="0.0">
>>     <Description />
>>     <UserDefined>
>> &Comment;&Title;&Bitrate;&Year;    </UserDefined>
>>    </Item>
>>   </Folder>
>>  </Folder>
>> </Folder>

Well, what I sent you, is a description of what happens when printing Entities
within Elements. The "&Name;" and "&Comment;&Title;&Bitrate;&Year;" is
actually entities with names Name, Comment, Title, Bitrate and Year. The name
of the entity is printed this way (&EntityName;), but the content withing this
entity is not visible anywhere in the XMLdoc. Just with a few lines of code,
how would you instantiate an Element and add a String content to it, for
finally to be outputted to File? Perhaps I use some wrong methods? An example
had been highly appreciated!

Just for the record: Is it a total waste to buy the book "Java and XML" (ISBN:
0596000162, by Brett McLaughlin and Mike Loukides) when looking for help to
resolve this problem? I have seen on the jdom website that they mention
several changes to the API since the book was published - does this apply to
my problem as well, or could I find the answer to my problems there?

In advance; thanks for any help!

- Vyrdsamt...
- Jakob Breivik Grimstveit, jakob at grimstveit.net, www.grimstveit.net
- Morvikbotn 341, 5121 Ulset, tlf: 55195667, mob: 98833857
- Applikasjonsutvikler, Reaktor AS, jakob.grimstveit at reaktor.no, 55557484

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