[jdom-interest] JDOM can't find JAXP, or even Xerces...

Ian Lea ian.lea at blackwell.co.uk
Thu May 24 07:34:14 PDT 2001

Resin 1.2.5 comes with a jaxp.jar in its lib/ directory and this
seems to prevent it from loading the Xerces classes from
WEB-INF/lib/xerces.jar. I imagine the Resin class loader
reads the jaxp classes from lib/jaxp.jar and then doesn't
check the application stuff in WEB-INF/lib/

Try putting the Xerces jar file in the resin/lib directory
and/or removing resin/lib/jaxp.jar although that might make
Resin complain about something else.

ian.lea at blackwell.co.uk

"Gonzalez, Lorenzo" wrote:
> I've read the mailing list archive messges about getting JDOM to use
> JAXP, and it seems to work for other people!
> But no matter how I try, I just can't get JDOM (1.0b6) to use JAXP, as
> it's claimed to, by default!
> I have tried placing the JAXP jars in my system classpath, in my
> servlet/web-app extensions directory (WEB-INF/lib), added directly to
> the web-app's classpath... nothing works - JDOM always blows up, looking
> for Xerces.  :-(
> My servlet engine is Resin, and it finds everything else just fine this
> way, aelfred, our own internal libs, the Oracle JDBC drivers, even the
> DB2 JDBC drivers, which must for some reason be on the system classpath,
> and not in the web-app extensions dir.
> In fact, JDOM also won't find Xerces, unless it's on the system
> classpath - the web-app lib approach fails for JDOM/Xerces! If even that
> could be fixed, I'd be in better shape!  The staging/production admins
> here are loath to add jars to the system classpath, and I'm with them on
> that opinion.
> Any help? (The top of the exception trace is below...)
> Thanks!
> Lorenzo Gonzalez
> Covisint, Construct Team
> javax.servlet.ServletException: org.jdom.JDOMException: Error in
> building: SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not
> found at com.covisint.xml.rpc.RPCServlet.init(RPCServlet.java:65)

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