[jdom-interest] Events for JDOM

Sébastien Pierre spierre at isb-sib.ch
Tue Nov 20 00:19:03 PST 2001

Le mardi 20 novembre 2001, à 01:19 AM, Paul Libbrecht a écrit :

>  a "filterList" is simply a list with a matching object. The class is 
> accessible from jdom-wip (?) CVS module.
> The code present there implements all the good characters you would 
> expect of a sub-list, including the ability to remove, add or replace, 
> using a listIterator.

Could you explain what is a list with a matching object ? If I 
understand the FilterList is mutable and would then allow to modify the 
returned value of getContent without having to call setContent afterwars 
(this is what I am looking for :).

BTW, what is jdom-wip (what does "wip" mean) ?

  -- Sébastien.

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