[jdom-interest] Not sure what I'm doing wrong...

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Wed Oct 3 01:15:34 PDT 2001


Why is "element.setText( null );" in the else statement of the test on 
children? An element can have both text and children.

Maybe you shoudl try someting like:
	if ( element != null )
		element.setText( null );

		if ( element.hasChildren() )
			// Process all child elements recursively


Terje Kvambe wrote:

> I had/have the same problem.
> I didn't have any real text in my document, only elements, so I made a
> recursive method that looped through the whole JDOM, cutting out all child
> elements (not text) to a List (using getChildren and detach) and pasting it
> back in using setChildren(List) which replaces all content in the parent
> element. This will remove all text in the element including the extra line
> breaks.
> Of course, I tried all the methods in the SAXBuilder and the XMLOutputter
> first (JDOM Beta 7) but I would always have some anoying empty lines left
> (which was a problem because I am sending my final XML to a program that
> doesn't support empty lines in the XML... :)
> I'd be happy to see a better solution to this problem...
> To clean the whole document, just pass the root element to the following
> method...
> Best Regards,
> Terje Kvambe =)
> /**
>  * Method to remove all text in an element recursively
>  *
>  *@param element A JDOM Element
>  */
> public void removeElementText( Element element )
> {
> 	if ( element != null )
> 	{
> 		if ( element.hasChildren() )
> 		{
> 			// Process all child elements recursively
> 			List childList = element.getChildren();
> 			Iterator itChildren = childList.iterator();
> 			while ( itChildren.hasNext() )
> 			{
> 				Element currentElement =
> (Element)itChildren.next();
> 				// Detach the element from the parent (to be
> able to add it later)
> 				currentElement.detach();
> 				// Process subelements recursively
> 				removeElementText( currentElement );
> 			}
> 			element.setChildren( childList );
> 		}
> 		else
> 		{
> 			//Remove all text in this element
> 			element.setText( null );
> 		}
> 	}
> }

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