[jdom-interest] JDOM and XSLTC.

Paul Libbrecht paul at ags.uni-sb.de
Mon Oct 8 13:15:48 PDT 2001

Now, there's one point to be mentionned here: the Saxon XSLT processor of 
Michael Kay already has some support for Jdom documents themselves. That 
means that the Transformer object you get when building it can accept a 
jdom document as input.

I can't see of anything better.
Note that the version we had, was made for jdom-b6 for java 2, we had to 
midlly fix something like a method-name usage.

Otherwise, I believe that firing SAX events to the Transformer's SAXReader 
is very safe as well, but certainly not as optimized.
Still have a reason to stay on Xalan ?? Maybe, I don't know which...


On Lundi, octobre 8, 2001, at 04:52  PM, Cybrarian Rök wrote:
> *** Problem:
> As I guessed, it seems difficult to re-use the result of a JDOM
> manipulation task, ie. a org.jdom.Document, with XSLTC;
> to illustrate the point, the .transform() method of the
> org.apache.xalan.xsltc.Translet interface accept only a
> org.apache.xalan.xsltc.DOM interface as first arg; ie. a
> org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom.DOMImpl in common case;
> even though I've seen many tricks about JDOM and TraX
> (jdom-interest mailing list), I would like to keep advantages of the
> compiled Translets to perform transfomations on newly created JDOM
> Documents without outputing to XML file and re-parsing :(

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