[jdom-interest] no getChildTextNormalize() ?

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Fri Sep 28 00:09:15 PDT 2001

Alex Rosen wrote:

> I'm always conflicted about convenience methods. They're so nice when you
> use them, but if you don't use them, they just clutter up the interface.
> I've always been thinking that all the getChildText() and the trimming and
> normalizing methods belong in helper classes, since they're only appropriate
> for one style of XML documents. Like:
>   String val = JDOMHelper.getChildTextNormalize(element, "childname");

+1 for a utility class as there are many such methods that would be useful: Allocation of a SAX parser, normalizeText() for any text (e.g. for comments), etc.

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