[jdom-interest] What's the between SAX and DOM ?

Ken Rune Helland kenh at csc.no
Tue Apr 16 08:51:47 PDT 2002

> Dear All,
>  I'm using jdom to parse an xml document but i got confused about the
>  difference between using
> SAX or DOM to parse the target xml document and from memory consumption
> point of view which one is prefered and in which cases direct me to use
> one of them and discarding the other.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Regards,
>  M. Amin

If you need to parse XML (from a file, stream, stringbuffer, ...)
you use the SaxBuilder.

The DomBuilder is to convert DOM trees to JDOM trees.

The DomBuilders ability to build from XML text is for test/debug 
purposes only.


e-mail : kenh at csc.no
Tlf    : +47 22 95 86 45
Tlf Mob: +47 91 87 27 38

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