[jdom-interest] can't install JDOM beta 8 with JDK1.2.2

Ian Lea ian at digimem.net
Fri Apr 26 06:46:26 PDT 2002

If you just want to play with JDOM or just use it
you don't need to build it.  There is a jdom.jar
in the distribution you can use as it.

I've no idea what the internal JIT error is about
but it wouldn't appear to have much to do with
JDOM.  The compile seems to be failing because
the 1.1 collections packages seem to have got
involved somehow.  All the com.sun.java.util.collections
stuff.  You don't need that.  Lose it.  Are you
sure you have read the instructions that came with the

ian at digimem.net

> passani at eunet.no (Luca Passani) wrote 
> Hallo, I want to play with JDom. I downloaded the latest
> package and tried to install according to instructions.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't build out of the box
> as one might expect (JDOM beta 9, Win2k, JDK 1.2.2)
> There are conflicts among classes.
> The FAQ on jdom.org is not helping.
> Any ideas?
> thank you
> Luca
> G:\projects\wurfl\jdom-b8>build
> build
> JDOM Build System
> -------------------
> Building with classpath G:\jdk1.2.2\lib\tools.jar;.\lib\xerces.jar;.\lib\ant.jar;.\lib\jaxp.jar;
> Starting Ant...
> Buildfile: build.xml
> A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 'Relocation error: NULL relocation target' has occurred in : 
>   'org/apache/crimson/parser/Parser2.maybeComment (Z)Z': Interpreting method.
>   Please report this error in detail to http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
> init:
>      [echo] ----------- JDOM 1.0beta8-dev [2002] ------------
> prepare:
> prepare-src:
> collections:
> compile:
>     [javac] Compiling 22 source files to G:\projects\wurfl\jdom-b8\build\classes
>     [javac] G:\projects\wurfl\jdom-b8\build\src\org\jdom\AttributeList.java:85: Ambiguous class: java.util.AbstractList and com.sun.java.util.collections.AbstractList
>     [javac] class AttributeList extends AbstractList
>     [javac]                             ^
>     [javac] G:\projects\wurfl\jdom-b8\build\src\org\jdom\AttributeList.java:86: Ambiguous class: java.util.List and com.sun.java.util.collections.List
>     [javac]                     implements List, java.io.Serializable {
>     [javac]                                ^
>     [javac] G:\projects\wurfl\jdom-b8\build\src\org\jdom\ContentList.java:86: Ambiguous class: java.util.AbstractList and com.sun.java.util.collections.AbstractList
>     [javac] class ContentList extends AbstractList implements java.io.Serializable {
>     [javac]                           ^
>     [javac] G:\projects\wurfl\jdom-b8\build\src\org\jdom\ContentList.java:717: Ambiguous class: java.util.AbstractList and com.sun.java.util.collections.AbstractList
>     [javac]     class FilterList extends AbstractList {
>     [javac]                              ^
>   :
>   :
>     [javac] G:\projects\wurfl\jdom-b8\build\src\org\jdom\input\SAXBuilder.java:133: Ambiguous class: java.util.HashMap and com.sun.java.util.collections.HashMap
>     [javac]     private HashMap properties = new HashMap(5);
>     [javac]                                      ^
>     [javac] Too many errors.  (The limit on reported errors is 100.)
>     [javac] 108 errors

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