[jdom-interest] Setting a adtd at parse time

Norrman Per per.norrman at canovia.se
Wed Aug 21 03:33:03 PDT 2002


For DTD, use SAXBuilder#setEntityResolver(...)

For schema, use SAXBuilder#setProperty(...), where the property is either


-----Original Message-----
From: Akacem Mohammed [mailto:Mohammed.Akacem at arbeitsamt.de] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:34 AM
To: 'jdom-interest at jdom.org'
Subject: [jdom-interest] Setting a adtd at parse time

Hallo every body,

I want to validate against a schema or a dtd using a config file. That means
I don't want to read the url of the schema or the dtd against which I want
to validate from the file I want to parse,
but from a config file, so I need a methode like
parser.setSchema(urlschema). I know that there is this methode in the
microsoft parser. ( I am using the Jxerces ).

thanks for any hint


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