[jdom-interest] newbie question

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Wed Dec 4 07:53:07 PST 2002


Robert Koberg wrote:
> Is there some way to do something like xsl:key to set up access points and use
> XPath's key() to retrieve the value or nodeset(if nodeset is the correct term
> here)?

I don't know of any.

> OK, cool. Does 'quite good performance' equate to the performance of iterate >
> recurse etc? Or is iterate > recurse etc always going to be fastest?

I used "quite good performance" as a summary of:
  1. The savings in development and maintenance costs are high enough to 
justify using XPath;
  2. No application performance issue ever forced me to revert to iterate and 
  3. I never ran any benchmark comparing the 2 approaches.


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