[jdom-interest] extract info from JDOM tree

Kenneth Ellefsen kellefsen at bergen.oilfield.slb.com
Thu Dec 5 02:28:17 PST 2002

On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 10:42, Sylvain.Thevoz at swisscom.com wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I repost my question:
> I have a XML file like this
> <document>
>   <group name="Europe">
>     <company name="LH">
>       <fullname>Lufthansa</fullname>
>     </company>
>     <company name="SA">
>       <fullname>Soviet Airlines</fullname>
>     </company>
>     <company name="AF">
>       <fullname>Air France</fullname>
>     </company>
>   </group>
>   <group name="US">
>     <company name="AA">
>       <fullname>American Airlines</fullname>
>     </company>
>   </group>
> </document>
> I want to retrieve content of this file and create a list of String that contain:
> Europe
> Europe->Lufthansa
> Europe->Soviet Airlines
> Europe->Air France
> US
> US->American Airlines

Shouldn't be to hard...

Element root = document.getRootNode();

List groups = root.getChildren("group");

ListIterator groupIterator = groups.listIterator();

ArrayList stringList = new ArrayList();


	Element group = (Element)groupIterator.next();

	String groupName = group.getAttributeValue("name");


	List companies = group.getChildren("company");

	ListIterator companyIterator = companies.listIterator();


		Element company = companyIterator.next();

		companyName = company.getChildText("fullname");

		stringList.add(groupName + "->" + companyName);


Or something like that.....I just wrote this from the top of my head, so
It may very well contain some errors ;) 


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