[jdom-interest] how to set xml files base uri

Zhong, Kai Kai.Zhong at t-t.com
Tue Dec 17 09:11:33 PST 2002

But it the resolver is not invoked in my JBOSS/EJB.
I put the same resovler in my command line application and it works.

Here is my code:
class ER implements EntityResolver {
    public InputSource resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId)   {
	System.err.println("\n------------------------------------- pid=" +
publicId + "\n-------------------------------- sysid=" + systemId);
	return null;

	SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
	builder.setEntityResolver(new ER());

in my command line application, it printed out the sysid. But not in my
message driven bean. What could it be?


-----Original Message-----
From: Norrman Per [mailto:per.norrman at canovia.se]
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 3:18 AM
To: 'Zhong, Kai '; ''jdom-interest at jdom.org' '
Subject: RE: [jdom-interest] how to set xml files base uri

Have a look at builder#setEntityResolver


-----Original Message-----
From: Zhong, Kai
To: 'jdom-interest at jdom.org'
Sent: 2002-12-17 01:47
Subject: [jdom-interest] how to set xml files base uri

Hi, I have an message driven bean and it will read an xml file from file
e.g. 		Document doc = builder.build(new FileReader(docID
However, inside the docid.xml, there is a a dtd reference:
<!DOCTYPE trang SYSTEM "/dtd_files/trang.dtd">
which is a relative path. It is physically located under c:/dtd_files

When the EJB runs, it raises an exception:
[STDERR] Error on line 2: Relative URI "/dtd_files/trang.dtd; can not be
resolved without a document URI.

The problem is how to set the uri? I tried:
Document doc = builder.build(new FileReader(docID ".xml"), "file:/c:/");

But it doesn't work.

Thanks for your help.

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