[jdom-interest] Minor SAXBuilder fix

Alex Rosen arosen at silverstream.com
Mon Feb 25 09:13:00 PST 2002

On 11/5/01, we changed SAXBuilder so that saxDriverClass no longer gets set
after creating the parser using JAXP (see
nterest). So in our error messages, we can no longer rely on saxDriverClass
to tell the user which parser we're complaining about - we have to actually
get the parser's class each time.

Also - we are still setting saxDriverClass, if JAXP is not available. I
assume that this is an OK thing to do? It should only be a problem if JAXP
is not initially available to your SAXBuilder, but then it become available
the second time. Seems unlikely.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: SAXBuilder.java
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jdom/src/java/org/jdom/input/SAXBuilder.java,v
retrieving revision 1.63
diff -c -r1.63 SAXBuilder.java
*** SAXBuilder.java	2002/02/08 02:49:41	1.63
--- SAXBuilder.java	2002/02/26 01:10:56
*** 608,614 ****
              // No entity expansion available
              throw new JDOMException(
                "Entity expansion feature not recognized by " + 
!               saxDriverClass);
          catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
--- 608,614 ----
              // No entity expansion available
              throw new JDOMException(
                "Entity expansion feature not recognized by " + 
!               parser.getClass().getName());
          catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
*** 616,622 ****
              // No entity expansion available
              throw new JDOMException(
                "Entity expansion feature not supported by " +
!               saxDriverClass);
--- 616,622 ----
              // No entity expansion available
              throw new JDOMException(
                "Entity expansion feature not supported by " +
!               parser.getClass().getName());
*** 633,642 ****
              parser.setFeature(feature, value);
          } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " feature not supported for SAX driver " + saxDriverClass);
          } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " feature not recognized for SAX driver " + saxDriverClass);
--- 633,642 ----
              parser.setFeature(feature, value);
          } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " feature not supported for SAX driver " + parser.getClass().getName());
          } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " feature not recognized for SAX driver " + parser.getClass().getName());
*** 652,661 ****
              parser.setProperty(property, value);
          } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " property not supported for SAX driver " + saxDriverClass);
          } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " property not recognized for SAX driver " + saxDriverClass);
--- 652,661 ----
              parser.setProperty(property, value);
          } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " property not supported for SAX driver " + parser.getClass().getName());
          } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
              throw new JDOMException(
!                 displayName + " property not recognized for SAX driver " + parser.getClass().getName());

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