[jdom-interest] Urgent: Unicode character not being displayed...

John L. Webber - Jentro AG John.Webber at jentro.com
Sun Jun 9 23:39:22 PDT 2002

Rajesh, I think you'll find the answer to this in the FAQ: 


See "Why does my file encoding on output not match the encoding on

If you need more help with this, feel free to send me a mail.



"Pandia, Rajesh" wrote:
> 1. Here is my message format that I am trying to parse:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <Pip0A1FailureNotification>
>         <ActionControl>
>                 <ActionIdentity>
> <GlobalBusinessActionCode>Zürich</GlobalBusinessActionCode>
>                 </ActionIdentity>
>         </ActionControl>
> </Pip0A1FailureNotification>
> 2.    Here's the code to parse
>  public void doIt() throws JDOMException
>     {
>         org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder builder = new
>         Document doc = builder.build(fileName);
>         //System.out.println(doc+": Doc");
>         Element root = doc.getRootElement();
>         String GlobalBusinessActionCode =
> doc.getRootElement().getChild("ActionControl").getChild("ActionIdentity").ge
> tChildTextTrim("GlobalBusinessActionCode");
>         System.out.println("GlobalBusinessActionCode:
> "+GlobalBusinessActionCode);
> }

 Jentro AG
 John L. Webber, Software Development
 Peter-Henlein-Strasse 28, 85540 Haar/Munich, Germany
 Tel. +49 89 462 385 0     mailto:John.Webber at jentro.com 
 Fax  +49 89 462 385 29    http://www.jentro.com

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