[jdom-interest] Single space in element content

Jan Moravec/SYD/CEtv JanMoravec at austar.com.au
Thu Jun 13 01:41:36 PDT 2002

Hi Jason,

I wrote a simple example that demonstrates the problem. When I serialize
the doc using a default XMLOutputter it works just fine, however, when I
want to pretty print it with newlines the entire content of el is gone.

Thanks for any hints.

Jan Moravec

import org.jdom.*;

public class JDOMTest
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Element root = new Element("root");
    Element el = new Element("element_with_whitespace");
    el.addContent("  ");

    //XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter();  // works OK
    //XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(" ", false, "UTF-8"); // works OK
    XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(" ", true, "UTF-8"); // makes el an
empty element (why?)

    // out.setTrimAllWhite(false); // none of these has any efect
    // out.setTextTrim(false);
    // out.setTextNormalize(false);

    out.output(new Document(root), System.out);

Jason Hunter <jhunter at acm.org> on 08/06/2002 04:19:34 am

To:    Jan Moravec/SYD/CEtv <JanMoravec at austar.com.au>
cc:    jdom-interest at jdom.org

Subject:    Re: [jdom-interest] Single space in element content

> I tried both
> input.addContent( new Element("value").addContent(new Text(" ")) )
> and
> input.addContent( new Element("value").setText(" ") )
> but with the same result.

You don't really say what the "result" is.  There's many ways to view a
document.  Most likely if the space is disappearing it's because of how
you output it or how you read it in later.  What happens when you output
using a brand new untweaked XMLOutputter to System.out?


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