[jdom-interest] Standalone attribute in <?xml PI

Christian Holmqvist, IT, Posten christian.holmqvist at posten.se
Fri Mar 8 00:27:19 PST 2002


I'm rather new to XML so bare with me if I don't have all the exactly
correct terms and expressions going on yet... *smile*

How to I add the standalone attribute to the <?xml ProcessInstruction (or
more exactly xml file first line) or how do I change it from YES to NO and
the other way around?

I have been looking throgh the archive and seen some discussions about
putting the control of this (together with encoding) in the XMLOutPutter
thingy. The thing is that I can not see the different between this
ProcessIntruction and other PIs (oki, parsing and well form ness is hard to
do without it...). Why not let <?xml be a odernary PI that can be changed,
removed and added. If it is missed when trying to pass it to a parser the
parser WILL complain with some form of error msg...

Hmm oki, thank you for your time!


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