[jdom-interest] A utility Element subclass and a request forAPI extension

james todd james.todd at Sun.COM
Thu Mar 21 15:21:28 PST 2002

i concur.

perhaps ideas such as these should be tried out initially as
"white board" utils ... and if they prove viable and such then
applied knowingly to jdom proper. kind of a survival of the
fittest model.

- james

Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
> At 11:38 AM -0800 3/21/02, Jason Hunter wrote:
> >Comments from the list?  The good part about an open source project is
> >we can see what people think?  I'm easy either way.
> >
> >My one concern is do these methods go on Element (setAttribute),
> >Attribute (setValue), or both?
> >
> I just find this really unnecessary. It's just another symptom of API
> bloat.  Everyone has their own convenience methods that they want,
> most of which aren't useful to more than 10% of users. Java has
> perfectly good ways to convert primitive data types to strings.
> There's no need for JDOM to reinvent them. Minimalism is part of
> simplicity. It makes it easier to look at the Javadoc and grok
> everything you need to understand. The bigger it gets the harder it
> becomes to learn this in the first place.
> --
> +-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
> | Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo at metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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