[jdom-interest] serialize a Java object in XML file?

Bart Read bart at wdi.co.uk
Tue May 7 10:03:54 PDT 2002

Hi Ado,
Under J2SE v1.4 objects that conform to the JavaBeans specification can be
serialized using the java.beans.XMLEncoder class.  This class has been added
to permit the long term persistence of Swing components etc.  BUT be warned:
if you want to migrate to 1.4 there are some bugs that I've noticed in the
Java2D classes, particularly to do with the AffineTransform class, so watch
out (sorry, slightly off topic).

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adnan Oeztuerk" <aoeztuerk at web.de>
To: <jdom-interest at jdom.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 5:34 PM
Subject: [jdom-interest] serialize a Java object in XML file?

> Hi,
> it is possible to serialize a Java object in XML file?
> Thanks
> Ado
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