[jdom-interest] Deprecating hasChildren()
Elliotte Rusty Harold
elharo at metalab.unc.edu
Sat May 11 09:49:42 PDT 2002
At 3:50 AM -0400 5/11/02, cvs at jools.org wrote:
>Deprecated elt.hasChildren() because it's not a performance optimization
>anymore. This helps simplify the most complicated class around.
I have one use-case for that method that doesn't involve
optimization. Consider this street element:
<street>135 Airline Highway <apartment>2B</apartment></street>
getText() returns "135 Airline Highway ". The content in the child
apartment element is completely lost. Before you can reliably use any
of the getText()/getTextTrim()/ getTextNormalize() methods you need
to be very sure that the element does not have any child elements.
One way to do this is to test with hasChildren() before invoking the
text getter. For example,
if (!element.hasChildren()) {
String result = element.getText();
// work with result
else {
// do something more complex
| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo at metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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