[jdom-interest] JDOM taking too much time to convert xml string to Document object

Alex Rosen arosen at silverstream.com
Sun May 12 13:38:06 PDT 2002

- It's unlikely that JDOM is causing the slowdown. JDOM is not a parser,
it's using Xerces to do the XML parsing. JDOM is just building a tree from
the results that Xerces passes in. You might try just using Xerces to parse
the file into a DOM tree and see if you see the same behavior.

- Not knowing anything about your DTD or XML, the first thing that comes to
my mind when such a dramatic slowdown occurs is that maybe it's now
retrieving some data from another machine. E.g. if something in your DTD is
now referencing an entity on a remote server, or something along those lines


> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdom-interest-admin at jdom.org
> [mailto:jdom-interest-admin at jdom.org]On Behalf Of Chabbewal, Navjeet
> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 4:04 PM
> To: jdom-interest at jdom.org
> Subject: [jdom-interest] JDOM taking too much time to convert 
> xml string
> to Document object
> I have been using JDON ony my project for a while but 
> recently we had a
> modification in a dtd which seens to cause an substantial increase in
> the time taken to convert an xml string into Document object. 
> The change
> was that one of the elements which had 22 sub-elements now has 39
> sub-elements. Now this is the weird behaviour I am seeing. 
> When the xml
> string does not have one particular xml element ( one of the 39
> sub-elements) it takes 4-5 times more time to process the 
> xml. All these
> sub-elements are optional. I have been using JDOM-B7 but I downloaded
> JDOM-B8 with the same results. Here is the code to convert the xml to
> Document object:
>  public Document buildDocument(String xml) throws 
> XMLConversionException
> {
>         Timer methodTimer = new Timer("buildDocument(xml)");
>         methodTimer.start();
>         Document   document   = null;
>         SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(true);
>         try {
>             document =
>                 saxBuilder.build(new InputSource(new
> StringReader(xml)));
>         } catch (JDOMException e) {
>             log.error("build document failed", e);
>             throw new XMLConversionException(e.toString());
>         }
>         methodTimer.stop();
>         log.info( methodTimer.toString() );
>         return document;
>     }
> I have xerces and xalan jar files which come with JDOM in my classpath
> before jdom jar file.
> Any ideas what could be happening !!!!
> --Navjeet
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