[jdom-interest] Element javadoc

Elliotte Rusty Harold elharo at metalab.unc.edu
Thu May 16 14:35:35 PDT 2002

The atatched patch adds @throws comments for various runtime exceptions 
thrown by various constructors and methods in the Element class. It also 
makes a couple of other minor changes to the doc comments in a couple of 
places. No actual code is changed.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo at metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
|           The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (IDG Books, 2001)             |
|             http://www.cafeconleche.org/books/bible2/              |
|   http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0764547607/cafeaulaitA/   |
|  Read Cafe au Lait for Java News:   http://www.cafeaulait.org/     | 
|  Read Cafe con Leche for XML News:  http://www.cafeconleche.org/   |

-------------- next part --------------
Index: src/java/org/jdom/Element.java
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jdom/src/java/org/jdom/Element.java,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -d -u -r1.123 Element.java
--- src/java/org/jdom/Element.java	2002/05/11 07:52:48	1.123
+++ src/java/org/jdom/Element.java	2002/05/17 05:41:33
@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@
      * @param name <code>String</code> name of element.
      * @param namespace <code>Namespace</code> to put element in.
+     * @throws IllegalNameException if the given name is illegal as an
+     *         element name.
     public Element(String name, Namespace namespace) {
@@ -150,6 +152,8 @@
      * <code>{@link Namespace}</code>.
      * @param name <code>String</code> name of element.
+     * @throws IllegalNameException if the given name is illegal as an
+     *         element name.
     public Element(String name) {
         this(name, (Namespace) null);
@@ -165,6 +169,9 @@
      * @param name <code>String</code> name of element.
      * @param uri <code>String</code> URI for <code>Namespace</code> element
      *        should be in.
+     * @throws IllegalNameException if the given name is illegal as an
+     *         element name or the given URI is illegal as a
+     *         namespace URI
     public Element(String name, String uri) {
         this(name, Namespace.getNamespace("", uri));
@@ -179,6 +186,9 @@
      * @param name <code>String</code> name of element.
      * @param uri <code>String</code> URI for <code>Namespace</code> element
      *        should be in.
+     * @throws IllegalNameException if the given name is illegal as an
+     *         element name, the given prefix is illegal as a namespace
+     *         prefix, or the given URI is illegal as a namespace URI
     public Element(String name, String prefix, String uri) {
         this(name, Namespace.getNamespace(prefix, uri));
@@ -304,9 +314,8 @@
      * This returns the full name of the
      * <code>Element</code>, in the form
      * [namespacePrefix]:[localName].  If
-     * no namespace prefix exists for the
-     * <code>Element</code>, simply the
-     * local name is returned.
+     * the <code>Element</code> does not have a namespace prefix,
+     * then the local name is returned.
      * @return <code>String</code> - full name of element.
@@ -482,7 +491,7 @@
      * this single element, including whitespace and CDATA
      * sections if they exist.  It's essentially the concatenation of
      * all <code>Text</code> and <code>CDATA</code> nodes returned by
-     * getContent().  The call does not recurse into child elements.
+     * <code>getContent()</code>.  The call does not recurse into child elements.
      * If no textual value exists for the
      * element, an empty <code>String</code> ("") is returned.
@@ -661,6 +670,9 @@
      * @param text new content for the element
      * @return this element modified
+     * @throws IllegalDataException if <code>text</code> contains an 
+     *         illegal character such as a vertical tab (as determined
+     *         by {@link org.jdom.Verifier#checkCharacterData})
     public Element setText(String text) {
@@ -877,6 +889,9 @@
      * @param str <code>String</code> to add
      * @return this element modified
+     * @throws IllegalDataException if <code>str</code> contains an 
+     *         illegal character such as a vertical tab (as determined
+     *         by {@link org.jdom.Verifier#checkCharacterData})
     public Element addContent(String str) {
         return addContent(new Text(str));
@@ -888,6 +903,8 @@
      * @param text <code>Text</code> to add
      * @return this element modified
+     * @throws IllegalAddException if the <code>Text</code> object 
+     *         you're attempting to add already has a parent element.
     public Element addContent(Text text) {
@@ -1188,8 +1205,10 @@
      * @param attributes <code>List</code> of attributes to set
      * @return this element modified
-     * @throws IllegalAddException if the List contains objects of
-     *         illegal types.
+     * @throws IllegalAddException if the List contains objects 
+     *         that are not instances of <code>Attribute</code>,
+     *         or if any of the <code>Attribute</code> objects have 
+     *         conflicting namespace prefixes.
     public Element setAttributes(List newAttributes) {
@@ -1205,6 +1224,11 @@
      * @param name name of the attribute to set
      * @param value value of the attribute to set
      * @return this element modified
+     * @throws IllegalNameException if the given name is illegal as an
+     *         attribute name.
+     * @throws IllegalDataException if the given attribute value is
+     *         illegal character data (as determined by
+     *         {@link org.jdom.Verifier#checkCharacterData}).
     public Element setAttribute(String name, String value) {
         return setAttribute(new Attribute(name, value));
@@ -1220,6 +1244,14 @@
      * @param value value of the attribute to set
      * @param ns namespace of the attribute to set
      * @return this element modified
+     * @throws IllegalNameException if the given name is illegal as an
+     *         attribute name, or if the namespace is an unprefixed default
+     *         namespace
+     * @throws IllegalDataException if the given attribute value is
+     *         illegal character data (as determined by
+     *         {@link org.jdom.Verifier#checkCharacterData}).
+     * @throws IllegalAddException if the attribute namespace prefix 
+     *         collides with another namespace prefix on the element.
     public Element setAttribute(String name, String value, Namespace ns) {
         return setAttribute(new Attribute(name, value, ns));
@@ -1543,7 +1575,8 @@
      * This removes all child elements.  Returns true if any were removed.
      * </p>
      * @deprecated Deprecated in Beta 9, instead of this method you can call
-     * clear() on the list returned by getChildren() or by getContent()
+     * <code>clear()</code> on the list returned by <code>getChildren()</code> or by 
+     * <code>getContent()</code>
      * @return whether deletion occurred

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