[jdom-interest] [Q]Problem at the search JDOM with JaxenXPath

Itoh, Kazuhiro kazuhiro-i at kajima.com
Thu Nov 7 15:51:48 PST 2002

Dear Laurent ,Peter

Sorry, this is my silly mistake.
XPath expression should be :
          xpath = new JDOMXPath("/M7:problem/M7:description");
NOT  xpath = new JDOMXPath("/M7:problem/@M7:description");

Now It works well.

JDOM is the best!!


>> Dear All
>> This is kazuhiro from Japan.
>> Now I am trying to develop the System with Xindice, JDom and 
>> JaxenXPath. I met the trouble at XPath search with Namespace. Source 
>> code fragment is here.
>> --------------------- start ----------------------------
>>       while(results.hasMoreResources()) {
>>         Resource res = results.nextResource();
>>         if (res.getResourceType().equals("XMLResource")) {
>>           XMLResource xmlres = (XMLResource)res;
>>           org.w3c.dom.Node root = xmlres.getContentAsDOM();
>>           org.w3c.dom.Document dom = root.getOwnerDocument();
>>           jdom = builder.build(dom);
>>           //Create Jaxen
>>           xpath = new JDOMXPath("/M7:problem/@M7:description");
>>           xpath.addNamespace(prefix, url);
>>           //
>>           elm = (Element)xpath.selectSingleNode(jdom);
>>           System.out.println(" : " + elm.getTextTrim());
>>           /*
>>           org.w3c.dom.Node desc =
>>             org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode
>>             (root, "M7:problem/M7:description", root);
>>           System.out.println("Description :" +
>>             desc.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim());
>>           */
>>         }
>>       }
>> --------------------- End -------------------------------------
>> XPath w/o namespace works well. But XPath w/ namespace dose not work 
>> well. Is there any bug using JaxenXPath.
>> Yes I understand this is the JDom world. But I got Jaxen from this
>> mailing-list.
>> Please show me any resolution.
>> P.S.
>> The comment-out code works well.
>> Thanks.
>> kazuhiro

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