[jdom-interest] RE: Turning off of entity expansion

ion vnhu38f93 at subdimension.com
Wed Sep 4 01:28:46 PDT 2002

Ok, I think I have been convinced now, it took me a while ;)

Thanks everyone, any emails that arrive before this one
should be considered null now, (hmm, how is anyone going
to know because this will arrive after them, hehe).

Oh, and I know how to do inline elements now:

      Element p = new Element("p").addContent(new Text("This is"));
      p.addContent(new Element("i").setText("italic"));
      p.addContent(new Text(", This is "));
      p.addContent(new Element("b").setText("bold"));


Thanks a lot everyone anyway for being patient with me before
I was enlightened.


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