[jdom-interest] Losing namespace with JDOM

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Mon Sep 9 03:01:29 PDT 2002

Bhalchandra Patil wrote:
> Laurent,
> I am using xalan tranformer factory. But it works
> independently without JDOM.

I ran the test again using Xerces (1.4.3 and 2.1.0), Xalan (2.3.1 and 2.4.0) 
and JDOM's latest from CVS. No problem, the namespace is present.

> I am heavily relying on JDOM at present in my code and
> its highly impossible to take JDOM out of the system.
> Will compiling the latest JDOM code from cvs.jdom.org
> help? I didnt find any related bug fixes after the b8
> release of JDOM.

JDOMSource relies on SAXOutputter to fire SAX events towrds the XMLT processor 
and JDOMResult uses SAXHandler to built the resulting JDOM document. You 
should check the CVS logs for this two classes too.


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