[jdom-interest] corntrib.ResultSetBuilder and <?xml-stylesheet> processing instruction

JS smartt at dcs.kcl.ac.uk
Sun Apr 6 08:47:16 PDT 2003

Hi Ian,
Many thanks for your reply.
I checked out both the classes you mentioned. The way the transformations
are done is how I have done mine, just that I have used a DOMOutputter()
to do the transformation as a DOM document.
Will using the JDOMSource\Result classes negate the need for me to worry
about the inclusion of the <xsl-stylesheet> processing instruction?
Thanks again.

> Have a look at JDOMSource and JDOMResult. You may need to use the
> latest source rather than beta 8.  There will be other ways of doing
> what you want but these are probably the easiest. The javadoc for the 2
> classes has examples.
> --
> Ian.
>> smartt at dcs.kcl.ac.uk (JS) wrote
>> Hi Group,
>> Have a bit of problem here that I didnt account for at all.
>> Bascially, Im using the resultSetBuilder to generate XML an
>> representation of an RDBMS recordset.I then want to use this XML
>> representation as the xmlSource to a stylesheet transformation.
>> My transformation works, but the result only displays the stylesheet
>> and no xml content. This is because there is no processing instruction
>> produced that does the following....
>> <?xml-stylesheet href="myStylesheet.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
>> Is there anyway I can use the ResultSetBuilder to generate this
>> element?
>> Thanks for your time.
>> Rgds
>> JS
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